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Alba Paul Ferrer

Ballantine's stay true alba ferrer
Age 33
es-ES flag
Instagram @albapaulfe
Twitter @albapaulferrer

High profile Spanish influencer Alba Paul Ferrer features in our brand new ‘There’s No Wrong Way’ campaign.

Alba is a champion of single sex marriage, in her case to Aida Domenech, an important and representative Spanish Fashion vlogger. With her rebellious and rocker appearance, Alba’s motto has always been “to live day to day, to be able to express myself and be happy.”

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I hope that the exposure of my relationship with Aida will help people to accept who they are

Alba Ferrer

Stay True

Dintr-o dată, fiecare alegere pe care o faci poate fi cea potrivita. Sa ridicam un pahar în cinstea ta ai a ceea ce esti cu adevarat. Orice inseamnă asta pentru tine. Stay true.

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