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7 drinks with coffee and whiskey
to liven up cocktail hour

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¿Te gusta el café? ¿Adoras los cócteles? Tenemos la selección perfecta para ti. 

Pocas cosas superan a una combinación de café y whisky. De sabor rico, aromático e intenso, no es de extrañar que ambas bebidas combinen a la perfección. Hemos preparado algunas recetas que hacen precisamente eso. 

Si te gusta el café fuerte y negro o dulce y con leche, hay una bebida ideal para ti. Lo mejor de todo: son recetas ideales para cualquier momento del día. Bébelo a tu manera: para el brunch, el almuerzo o el aperitivo (con responsabilidad, por supuesto).

Es hora de despertar, oler el café (con whisky) y llevar la hora del cóctel a un nivel completamente nuevo. Estas son nuestras bebidas con café y whisky favoritas.

Coffee Old Fashioned

Old Fashioned whiskey is a drink that needs no introduction. Its classic, simple and easily customizable recipe offers endless possibilities. This time, we’ll give it a twist and add some cold brew coffee to the traditional recipe.

Start by mixing a sugar cube with bitters until it forms a paste. Next, add ice, some Ballantine’s 12 Year Old Scotch and a splash of coffee. Depending on the flavors of your favorite roast, you can accompany it with chocolate liqueur, a touch of orange, or an extra splash of spicy bitters. There is no wrong way to mix this recipe.

Cold Brew Kick

Wake up in the night with this cold coffee cocktail. It’s a more laid-back relative of the Espresso Martini – one round of this cocktail and your friends will be back every Friday night.

The drink combines cold brew coffee with an extra touch of liqueur to provide a really good vibe energy. Who wants one?

Scotch Revolver

Do you like Manhattan? Then you’ll love this cocktail. The Revolver gives New York’s favorite beverage a touch of caffeine, replacing sweet vermouth with coffee liqueur for added depth and sweetness.

Normally the recipe calls for bourbon, but we recommend using Ballantine’s 7 American Barrel Finish. It’s sweet, creamy, and unmistakably delicious – perfect for this rich orange cocktail that will please your guests.

Whisky Espresso Martini

The Espresso Martini is the cocktail of choice for every coffee drinker. But have you tried it with whiskey? Add a tempered touch to the classic recipe by swapping out the vodka for a Ballantine’s blended Scotch whisky for a warmer, spicier flavour. Shake it your way with coffee liqueur, freshly brewed espresso, or even some chocolate liqueur for an indulgent touch. If you do, do it right.

Scots Coffee

It has it all: sweetness, foam, and a warm serving of whiskey. Not forgetting a shot of delicious black coffee. What else do you need? Go to the coffee maker and make some espresso ahead of time. You’re going to need it for tonight’s cocktail. When the time comes, pour it over a Ballantine’s Finest and creamy soda on the rocks. Finally, bow and enjoy the applause for this unbeatable whiskey and coffee drink.

Blood Shot Eye

The Blood Shot Eye is a really good drink that will keep you energized all night long, whether you’re at home or on the go. You just need a simple but ingenious blend of Scotch and coffee, sweetened with sugar to taste. There are only two ingredients… but how delicious it is! Garnish with some orange and you’re done.

Cinnamon Whisky Iced Latte

For latte lovers. A new recipe has arrived in the city. Marching a pumpkin and ginger triffle! It’s time to give whiskey a twist. Treat your favorite cold brew coffee to cocktail hour with this warm yet refreshing spiced drink.

Just add a shot of Ballantine’s Finest to your preferred ratio of cold brew coffee and milk in a glass filled with ice. Sprinkle with cinnamon and voila! Add a whole new touch of fun to the ice latte season.

Discover more ways to drink Ballantine’s your way with our selection of whiskey cocktail recipes. You’ll find everything from classic whiskey cocktails to whiskey with jelly. What’s your next cocktail?

Tres cócteles de whisky y té frío ideales para preparar a finales de verano

Pero si eres como nosotros, es probable que estés esperando pacientemente la llegada de una ola de calor otoñal para poder pasar unos días más bebiendo cócteles de whisky bajo el sol mientras escuchas los últimos lanzamientos de True Music.


8 divertidas variaciones del clásico cóctel whisky sour

Prueba estas divertidas variaciones del clásico cóctel whisky sour. Incluimos 8 nuevas recetas para hacer en casa.