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RZA On Getting Into Records, His Crate Digging Tricks And The Ballantine’s x Crosley Collaboration

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Wu-Tang Clan frontman RZA and A1 Record Shop manager Jeremie Delon chat about music, records and staying true.

Earlier this year we brought RZA to our home in the highlands of Scotland, and this time he repaid the favour and brought us to New York City aka the place where he started his hip-hop career. 

Whilst we were in NYC we visited A1 Record Shop in the East Village where RZA caught up with store manager Jeremie Delon and South African journalist and musician, Siya Metane, otherwise known as SlikourOnLife to chat about all things music, records, and the RZA Presents: Ballantine’s x Crosley C6 Record Player. 

Watch the video below.

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Whilst you’re watching the interview why not kick back with a RZA-inspired Ballantine’s cocktail.

Stay True

Ballantine’s X RZA | A Stay True Lifestyle

We joined forces with hip hop legend RZA to release a series of limited-edition drops that celebrated staying true.

Discover More About The Partnership
Stay True

RZA Presents: Ballantine’s x Crosley

For the first drop in the Ballantine’s x RZA partnership, the Wu-Tang Clan member has designed a one-of-a-kind C6 record player and Montero speaker.

Shop Drop 01