Can you mix whisky and milk?
Milk plays a key role in many cocktails. It’s why White Russians are so popular and why there are so many varieties of cream liqueurs stocked on the shelves. The one exclusion to this is alcohols that include citrus. The presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C to you and me!) and citric acid in fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes can cause milk to curdle, resulting in a not-so-nice to drink lumpy liquid that could wreak havoc on your digestive system.
When you mix whisky and milk, you can expect them to combine nicely, creating a chilled cocktail that’s warming, comforting and creamy.
Milk plays a key role in many cocktails. It’s why White Russians are so popular and why there are so many varieties of cream liqueurs stocked on the shelves. The one exclusion to this is alcohols that include citrus. The presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C to you and me!) and citric acid in fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes can cause milk to curdle, resulting in a not-so-nice to drink lumpy liquid that could wreak havoc on your digestive system.
When you mix whisky and milk, you can expect them to combine nicely, creating a chilled cocktail that’s warming, comforting and creamy
Whisky and milk cocktail recipes
Whisky and milk make the perfect base for a sweet or spiced cocktail. From chocolate to honey, vanilla to nutmeg, there’s tons of ingredients to stir into your drink.
Here are some whisky and milk cocktail recipes to try: